Today was like any other Sunday. We went to church, ate lunch, dinner, dessert, etc... A lot of eating I am sure you are thinking lol...but we got to watching a movie that was on ABC Family. Now I normally don't watch this channel much less the movies that come on it but I was drawn by the title. So Moses and I started watching this movie about a girl who gets the privileged of having a computer and then she starting using something similar to FB. Then things escalated when someone hacked into her account and posted a fake status. After that blew over a friend of hers created a fake account of some guy who she opened up with through the internet and told all of her deepest thoughts. As the movie continues things get worse. People start putting fake comments that she has a disease and is easy and what led to the teenage girl to stop going to school and after the boy she liked stop talking to her she couldn't bear the torment anymore. All of the comments had led her to create a suicide video that she posted online. Luckily a friend saw, called her mom, and got there in time to grab the bottle of pills from her hands. For most of you who know me well I am a cry baby when it comes to movies; I can get pretty emotional over the smallest thing. This was when it really hit me and I asked Moses "This really makes me wonder what our teenagers are going to facing?" The thought of what will be going on makes me almost sick to my stomach. I wonder had I been that girl at her age how I would have handled a situation like that and how my girl or boy will handle torment from others. The social network is not what it used to be, you'd have to call your friend on a house phone to figure out what you were going to be doing that weekend. People just text and chat now to even say hello. Kids are exposing themselves more and more each day and it makes me wonder if I do everything in my power to try to show my kids the "right" way to do things, if it will really make a difference. I worry about the future of my children. I worry about what things they will have to face. I know that Moses and I will do what we can to rear our children the proper way but we don't want to shelter them from what is out there. I just hope that when that time comes that our children will learn that it is better not to mess with those kinds of things. I hope they don't think that suicide is a quick fix to being bullied. I hope they don't think that the other person on the end is really who they think they are, or they think that going back and forth with someone with constant insults is going to be a solution to their problems...gosh I sure hope that they know better! I just pray that they can come to Moses and me whenever there is a problem they face and hopefully we can be their word of reason. Hopefully we can be the ones to help our children through the tough times they are going to experience.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I Hate Being SICK!
ARG! There are so many other things I would rather be doing right now then lying on the couch feeling weak and helpless. I hate being sick! Hate IT! Out of all of them, I hate the common cold. I don't like the nose blowing, red nose, chapped lips, plugged ears, runny nose, constant coughing/sneezing, everything that comes with it. I was fine until I met up with my mom and we took our short trip to Mexico for my grandpa's 80th birthday. You can't top seeing family that you love and don't get to visit often, but still the aftermath of getting sick makes you wonder if it was all worth it. Once getting back, this whole week has been a drag. At first I thought it was due to lack of sleep but as the week went on it got worst. The last 2 days have been so miserable... but luckily I have a sweet husband who does what he can to take care of me. Bless his heart, he's not the most "nurturing" but he tries. He gets me what I need so I can stay resting on the couch and he went out to the store to buy me some meds haha.... he's a good guy. I am going to miss him when he takes of for school. We found out Thursday that he will be taking off a month earlier than we had expected. It is sad to see him off a month earlier but at least he'll be back sooner during the year. Anyways....I am going off topic! Bottom line I am sick and I hate it! haha... hopefully I get better soon b/c this whole cold thing is overrated.
Monday, November 15, 2010
So the Marine Corp has this lovely little thing called Duty. All marine spouses love this...actually, not really! We all hate it! Hear that Marine Corp...we hate it!!! For those of you who are not familiar with it pretty much our men in uniform leave us for 24 hours. Of course it is no deployment...but it is one of those things that happens at least twice a month where you can't sleep next to your hubby. They spend those 24 hours making sure that the single marines who stay in the barracks are not raising havoc. They walk around, inspect, look for any suspicious things, hang out in the office and get to nap for 4 hours. That is pretty much of what it consists of, and some of us are not so lucky that our husbands get called to duty at the last minute. I have yet to experience that since we've tied the knot, but it did happen once when I came down from school to spend time with Moses and he had to leave me in the middle of a movie because "the few, the proud" were ordering him to come back. So pretty much I am up late because I cannot sleep. My pup is passed out on the couch with me while I type away. It is so hard for me to shut the lights off and call it a good night sleep when I don't have my hubby next to me...really makes me wonder how I'll do when he starts deploying again... ugh! I know I should rest, I have a LONG day tomorrow... work from 8:30am-5:30pm then school from 6pm-9:15pm... gees... I gotta go to sleep...but I had to write a little blurb on how much I despise duty! I love my husband, he's my hero, I am so proud of what he does and all that he has already done for this country, but I just want him home...I guess it'll just have to wait 'til tomorrow. Peace!
Monday, October 18, 2010
So it has been a super, duper long time since I have written on my blog. So after many times of being told by various people to "UPDATE YOUR BLOG!" I finally decided to stop rebelling and go ahead and update this blog. So Moses and I got married 04/24/10 and it has been ever so wonderful since! Our lives together have been on such a roller coaster but it has finally settle down a bit. Well, Moses had the hardest time re-enlisting with the Marine Corp. After the wedding we continued to be on month to month extensions which did not make our living easy. We were both constantly stressing about losing the stability that the military offers. Moses worked so hard to do everything possible to stay in and his last option was to work with intelligence. It was rough to get in but they did not want a marine of his caliber to be let go, so they have given him the chance to be in this new unit. It is tough because he still works when he comes home, so time together has changed from daily to weekends... but once he's done with the training and school things should go back to normal...well as normal as the military life can be haha. He has also decided to take advantage of the fact that the USMC offers college courses on base and they pay for them too. So he took a class this semester, which is ending today and he plans to continue to take advantage of this opportunity.
I also decided to take classes this semester and his been tough to get back into the routine of school. I also got a job and started last week. I really love it! I work for Lincoln Military Housing as a CSR.
My hubby and I decided to go to a spa this weekend to relax from a long and stressful week. It was so much fun to experience that with the person you love and adore. We had such a good time! Unfortunately I was not smart and very lazy when I went! I took my glasses and thought to change out of my contacts when I got there, but of course I was overly excited and ready to get the swimsuit on and run out there and have fun with my hubby. So we went from one pool to the others and did different baths, moisturizing treatments, etc. Don't get me wrong, it was so much fun and relaxing but since I didn't take out my contacts I think that I had a lot of bacteria get trapped underneath them. Especially since we were in a lot of chlorine and chemicals. Then when we got back I was sooooo tired that I just went straight to sleep! Which is a big NO, NO, when you have contacts. So due to my lazyness I got pink eye! YUCK! I feel like a little kid who gets pink eye, haha, it is not fun at's really uncomfortable and a bit painful. So hopefully I get better soon!
We also got a puppy in July. His name is Oakley and is SUPER cute! He is half chihuahua and half dachshund. He is a total rascal and troublemaker but I still adore him. Moses is still trying to warm up to him lol. Anyways, that is kind of what is going on with us. We also got our little apartment which we love and are still getting things for it. Pictures will come soon! My eye is just very "light sensitive" right now that it is getting soar from staring at the computer screen. *toodles*
I also decided to take classes this semester and his been tough to get back into the routine of school. I also got a job and started last week. I really love it! I work for Lincoln Military Housing as a CSR.
My hubby and I decided to go to a spa this weekend to relax from a long and stressful week. It was so much fun to experience that with the person you love and adore. We had such a good time! Unfortunately I was not smart and very lazy when I went! I took my glasses and thought to change out of my contacts when I got there, but of course I was overly excited and ready to get the swimsuit on and run out there and have fun with my hubby. So we went from one pool to the others and did different baths, moisturizing treatments, etc. Don't get me wrong, it was so much fun and relaxing but since I didn't take out my contacts I think that I had a lot of bacteria get trapped underneath them. Especially since we were in a lot of chlorine and chemicals. Then when we got back I was sooooo tired that I just went straight to sleep! Which is a big NO, NO, when you have contacts. So due to my lazyness I got pink eye! YUCK! I feel like a little kid who gets pink eye, haha, it is not fun at's really uncomfortable and a bit painful. So hopefully I get better soon!
We also got a puppy in July. His name is Oakley and is SUPER cute! He is half chihuahua and half dachshund. He is a total rascal and troublemaker but I still adore him. Moses is still trying to warm up to him lol. Anyways, that is kind of what is going on with us. We also got our little apartment which we love and are still getting things for it. Pictures will come soon! My eye is just very "light sensitive" right now that it is getting soar from staring at the computer screen. *toodles*
One Of My Favs:

Saturday, March 6, 2010
It's Been A While...
Sooooooo... it's been a while so I posted anything. Figure since it is a gloomy day in CA that I would take the time to write a brief update on life. So life is...good! Just busy with wedding planning. It's like there is something to do everyday! but it is all coming together. It is almost a month away and it's crazy! so yeah. My Moses is gone at the moment. He is at 29 Palms (mojave viper)not training, the marine corp just thought it would be a great idea to have him leave haha so yeah he's out there doing a lot of miscellaneous things. But he'll be home soon enough and I CANNOT WAIT! I really miss him a lot! Umm, what else? Oh, I got a car! A yaris...I like my little yaris. Moses said it was my Valentines day present... maybe but i don't know. I still have yet to post pictures of it. But that is really all that is going on. Well that's my life in a nutshell!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
So Sunday was a CRAZY day! I had to wake up at 3:30am to take my Moses to Carlsbad, if any of you know the area that is about an hour an half down south, going towards San Diego. We left around 4 am and got there at 5:30 am so he could get ready for his marathon that started at 6 am. He had been preparing for this race for months. He was expecting to finish the race between 3 hrs. 30 min –4 hours; he took off and I went on an hour long venture to find the car. IT WAS INSANE! There were so many people, so many cars, who wouldn’t get lost? Not only was there a marathon that day with about 1200 participants, there was also a half marathon that started an hour and a half later. I was able to take a little nap then I made my way to the finish line. I was just hanging out there watching all the runners come in expecting to see him 10 minutes later, but no there he was making his way to the finish line. Turns out he ran the marathon in 3 hours and 17 minutes! His average time for a mile was 7 minutes 33 seconds! AND he qualified for the Boston Marathon, which was something he was not planning on doing, but it just so happened that he did. Marathons are great! I would love to do one at some point in my life, but I don’t think it will be any time soon. Moses will be preparing for his next marathon while I am training for my next 10K hahaha, I still have a looooooooooong road ahead of me!
**Moses at the start line getting ready for the big race**
**Moses at the start line getting ready for the big race**
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
When it Rains, it Pours...
So I am finally back in beautiful California…well sort of beautiful it has been pouring like NO OTHER! The perfect way for southern CA to welcome me back after leaving Utah. Yesterday I went to the streets of LA with my future mom-in-law and sis-in-law and my mom to figure out wedding stuff. I had never been there! It was crazy! It’s totally what you see in the movies, people negotiating with you and trying to convince you to buy their stuff and then walking out to enter another store where they are going to do the exact same thing! I have never seen so many of the same things in my entire life! It definitely was an experience, but it was fun. Amongst all the bickering and misunderstandings that happened that day when four women get together we were all able to relax at the end of the day and laugh about the crazy things that occurred that day. The wedding experience has been very much of a nightmare up until this point. Like many say, “when it rains, it pours.” This is the perfect expression for how the wedding planning has been but after yesterday I was able to see that everything is going to be okay. I definitely think my sister was right when she would tell that trying to plan a wedding out of state is tough and that things will get better once I came back home, and after yesterday I realized that she was right. THANKS LIZ! The best thing about an intense storm is the aftermath, like here you see the green grass and the beautiful flowers, for the most part that is what I have noticed in my life is when times are hard the experiences that you gain from them are the most memorable and helpful. I love trials and would not want to have it any other way, without them how can I ever expect to learn anything? This experience so far with planning a wedding I have learned that it is important to speak up for the things that I would like and to share what I am feeling with others, and if I choose not too then I just need to keep my mouth shut, thoughts to myself and NOT COMPLAIN! I have such a loving fiancĂ© who is willing to hear me rant and rave about everything and anything, unfortunately he carries a lot of it on his shoulders too once he hears it all… so I am now learning that I can’t do that to him either…he’s just so great. I know that I have a loving family who I can turn to at any point. My sister is awesome and so logical that it’s sickening sometimes…haha…her logic is always so right on the ball that I feel so dumb that I didn’t notice it! I seriously thank my sister for pointing out my moments of insanity because without her things would be ten times harder.
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